This comedic and spooky graphic novel series filled with adventure, friendship, and mystery is not to be missed. Now a Foreword INDIES finalist and IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award Gold Winner for 2023 Book of the Year.
Writer Jessica Maison (Plastic Girl, Pistil, Cthulhu is Hard to Spell and Nightmare Theater anthologies) and artist Anna Wieszczyk (Godkiller, Home, Interesting Drug & Lucid, Popgun vol.4 and Spera anthologies) have teamed up to bring you an alternate Mary Shelley story that will leave you spellbound.

About School for Monsters
A young Mary Shelley encounters an occult scientist, Dr. M, and a living book of spells, Necro (The Necronomicon), who accidentally split her into two versions of herself: the literary giant who goes on to write Frankenstein and a supernatural girl, Shel, who spends her immortality fighting evil humans who exploit monsters.
Shel teamed up with Frank, Dr. M's failed experiment, and Necro, the powerfully cute book of the dead, to rescue monsters and start a school for them deep in the Primal Woods. The legendary Medusa and local forest wisp, Will, complete their monster-rescuing team.
“Mary Shelley’s School for Monsters: La Llorona in the Machine is an exceptional graphic novel that combines solid storytelling, gorgeous illustrations, and a positive message. It’s a book that can be enjoyed by audiences of all types, from children to adults, and it stands out as a shining gem in the realm of all-ages horror. Maison, Wieszczyk, and Rodriguez have created a true epic deserving a place on every nerd’s bookcase.”
Blake's Buzz
“Despite the many different interpretations of Mary Shelley‘s legendary monster over the years, Jessica managed to not only put an interesting new spin on Frankenstein’s Monster, but she also found a way to include Mary Shelley herself, along with a whole cast of characters that many of us are already familiar with. This creatively inspiring story kept me hooked from the first page, and I’m excited to know the future of these characters!”
Geek Network

YA Climate Sci-fi Trilogy
Plastic Girl Series
As Eva and Iris unlock a power that can save the planet, dangerous teens discover their island, threatening to destroy the new life they’ve created. The species born from plastic can reverse the climate apocalypse, but it may wipe out humanity in the process.
Eva’s mysterious world is developed in a fantastical but thorough manner that makes it immersive. Its atmosphere is immediate and affecting, with tie-ins to the present that show what pollution and climate change, if unchallenged, could result in. Harsh realities are confronted throughout in a logical and involving way… In the fascinating world of the young adult novel Plastic Girl, teenagers confront the realities of climate change. It’s a compelling cautionary tale.
Foreword Reviews
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About the Author
Jessica Maison is a sci-fi, fantasy, and horror author, screenwriter, comics creator, film director, and publisher. Her short sci-fi fiction can be found on Terraform, and her short horror comics have appeared in anthologies such as Cthulhu is Hard to Spell and Nightmare Theater.