Enter the World of School for Monsters

If You Love Mary Shelley...

If your heart breaks for the monster in Frankenstein... 

If you often relate more to the monster than the hero in the story...

You are right where you belong.

Mary Shelley's School for Monsters is the place for you.

Meet the Crew...

Shel teamed up with Frank, Dr. M's failed experiment, and Necro, the powerfully cute book of the dead, to rescue monsters and start a school for them deep in the Primal Woods. The legendary Medusa and local forest wisp, Will, complete their monster-rescuing team.


Is a tech genius gorgon who is quick with a smile and a joke, kindhearted but her stare will stone you.


Is a Will O' The Wisp with powers that are almost impossible to resist. He is only serious about helping monsters, evervthing else is a game to him.


Is a snarky version of Mary Shelley's monster but like nothing we've seen before.


Is as witty, fierce, and rash as the real Mary Shelley but struggles with deep anger around abandonment, not only from her family and society, but from her very self.


Is a living version of the Necronomicon, the Book of the Dead, an evil book supposedly created by the author H.P. Lovecraft, but that's not the actual truth.

Meet the Villains...

Dr. M

Is the Big Bad, inspired by Dr. Moreau from The Island of Dr. Moreau. Upon a closer look, his glass eye has complicated circuitry.

Edith Sharp

Is a tech genius villain who creates the game Camp Scare.

Upcoming Kickstarter

Mary Shelley’s School for Monsters: The Killing Stone OGN was a huge success. We will be launching Origins 3 in August 2025.

For updates join the Monster of the Week substack.

Cast Your Own Spell

SOME SPELLS ARE FOREVER is a Cast Your Own Spell inspired by the graphic novel series, Mary Shelley's School for Monsters.

A Cast Your Own Spell is an interactive story connected to the MARY SHELLEY'S SCHOOL FOR MONSTERS world.

The story allows the reader to become a player by choosing their own paths and casting their own spells.

Some Spells are Forever is the first Cast Your Own Spell story.

Hall of Infamy

604 backers pledged $38,832 to help bring MARY SHELLEY’S SCHOOL FOR MONSTERS comics to life.